Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix To Be Featured in Famitsu

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX

On the heels of appearing in Shonen Jump, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix will appear in Famitsu Weekly! The issue will feature a full page spread of the game and even though it’s a brief appearance, it’s certainly nice to see the game being featured with E3 2014 fast approaching.

Translations of the article have appeared thanks to Goldpanner and Kingdom Hearts Insider:

New images from Kingdom Hearts -HD 2.5 ReMIX- to be released in Weekly Famitsu! (On sale 29 May 2014)
At the end of last year, it was announced that the production of Kingdom Hearts -HD 2.5 ReMIX- was underway. The latest information on the works included in this title, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, will be published in the issue of Weekly Famitsu on sale May 29.

● The Kingdom Hearts series remastered in HD… part 2!
Kingdom Hearts -HD 2.5 ReMIX- breathes new life into the stories of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. These have evolved to the point where this would be appropriate to be called a volume that will be preserved forever. Not only are these works even more beautiful in full HD, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded has also undergone a massive remake as a cinematic work. We will release the latest images of these three works in Weekly Famitsu, on sale May 29!
For even more details, please check out the Weekly Famitsu 12 June 2014 issue (on sale 29 May 2014)!

Source: Famitsu, @bKvEBVAvUq, Goldpanner, KHInsider