No Kingdom Hearts 3 at TGS 2014


Kingdom Hearts 3 unfortunately did not make a surprise appearance in any form at the first day of TGS 2014 (open to press and businesses)

I attended Tokyo Game Show today on the hunt for all-things Kingdom Hearts.

I asked two separate members of Square Enix staff on the whereabouts of the game

The first shortly said that ‘Kingdom Hearts 3 is not here this year’ and the second commented that ‘the game is still in the very early stages of development and it’ll be ready to show, when it’s ready. We have Kingdom Hearts 2.5 coming out this year, playable at the show, and that’s our focus right now’

On behalf of us fans, I expressed our disappointment – but it seems we’ll have to wait until Jump Festa, or more likely, E3 & TGS 2015 to see more on the game.

Final Fantasy XV had a trailer in the open air theatre, along with confirmation that a playable demo will be available within Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 had a playable demo of Birth By Sleep and KH2 Final Mix.