» Archive for November, 2011

Kingdom Hearts 3D in Famitsu Weekly (UPDATED)

As we reported last week about Kingdom Hearts 3D appearing in Famitsu, well the time has come! Famitsu has given us a better look at “Prankster’s Paradise” and “The Land of Bells” hit the jump to look at the scans!

More KH3D Scans Appear (UPDATED)

In the midst of all the excitement from the revelation of the Pinocchio world, two more images from a scan have appeared. Hit the jump to view them!

Pinocchio World in Kingdom Hearts 3D (UPDATED)

V-Jump magazine has confirmed the new world in Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance and that world is the Pinocchio world!

KH3D At Jump Festa Information

Square Enix has announced that they’ll be holding another lottery at this year’s Jump Festa in which they’ll be distributing 220 tickets on each day of the event to experience KH3D.

KH3D In Next Week’s Famitsu

Kingdom Hearts 3D will finally gets some news again as they will be featured in next week’s Famitsu magazine!