» Archive for December, 2012

Top 3 Tips To Monetize Your Passion For Games

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Monetizing your passion for games means you can finally start making some money doing something you enjoy doing a lot and all the time. Or it can have a strong relation to it, such as creating a gaming blog you can monetize easily, a YouTube channel, selling comic books, manga, or creating how-to guides and […]

KH HD 1.5 Jump Festa 2013 Trailer

Jump Festa 2013 has come and gone but that doesn’t stop the festivities. Square Enix has officially uploaded the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix trailer shown from the event! Hit the jump to watch!

First Recording of the KH HD 1.5 Remix Jump Festa Trailer

A first recording of the trailer that was shown at Jump Festa 2013 has now been uploaded! Hit the jump to watch!

KH HD 1.5 Remix Changes & Secret Bonus Revealed

Thanks to bKvEBVAvUq via Yodobashi.com, we now have information regarding the changes and additions that Kingdom Hearst HD 1.5 Remix will have! Hit the link to find out what changes and/or additions have been made.

Jump Festa 2013 Coverage

Jump Festa will officially start at 9am JST but thanks to Square Enix Japan’s Facebook page, they’ve kicked it off by giving us a sample of what their booth will look like! Remember to follow us on our social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ as well bring you coverage of the event!