» Archive for October, 2010

KH Rumor Roundup – Send us your Rumors!

We’re bringing back our Rumor Roundup segment! Don’t know what that is? Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough! But we do need something from your guys to make it happen.

They can be rumors about anything KH related, from the color of Kairi’s underwear to the entire plot of KH3! Just submit them to us and we’ll take care of the rest.

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded out now in Japan!

Kingdom Hearts Recoded is now officially out in Japan! It is the remake of the cell phone game that was only released in Japan Kingdom Hearts Coded, and now the game that continues on where Kingdom Hearts II left off is finally here!

KH: Re:coded coming to Europe Jan 14th and North America on Jan 11th 2011

Square Enix Europe published earlier today on their official Twitter profile that Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded will be coming to Europe on January 14th for the Nintendo DS. Square Enix has also put up the official website for North America, which reveals that it’ll come over three days before on January 11th.

The Most Frustrating Things in Kingdom Hearts

Jiminy Cricket plays back through the first Kingdom Hearts to find out the most annoying moments in the original game. But, what annoyed you the most back then?

Each Monday, we’ll be publishing a guest blog post from a member of the Kingdom Hearts community, Jiminy Cricket is a Global Moderator on our Community Forums.

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded – Japanese TV Spots

Howdy folks!!

The official Kingdom Hearts Re: coded website has updated again with 2 Japanese TV spots on the videos section.

Hit the jump to view it!